Monday, November 10, 2014

Birthday Celebration!

  Okay, okay, so I know that these Bowes birthday posts are getting pretty old by now, and I promise this is the last one for a few months, but I thought you all would like to see some pictures of us quad's celebration! It has become a tradition for us to spend a day to ourselves in "the big town" on our birthday ever since we got our driver's licenses, and it has always been a great time for bonding.

And craziness. :0P

A "quadie" before we took off in my truck!


Our first stop, Applebee's for lunch!

Thanks to a generous gift card from Lydia and Richie, we could order whatever we wanted! It was so much fun to dine somewhere other than a fast food place for once. ;0)

We got to pretend that we actually really, really like and love each other! Just for the pictures, of course. ;0)

Haha, they totally bought my line about being 21!!! I know, right? Kind of . . .  strange.
Okay, so don't freak out. It was only beer . . . root beer. ;0)
Our waitress learned that it was our birthday and brought us ice cream . . . for free!!!

Our next stop was this awesome black light miniature golf course!
It was so cool!

My three glowing sisters. Do I believe they're angels? Yes I do. 

We did great!!! (Speaking in general terms) ;0)
We also found plenty of opportunities for some cool pictures and to just goof off in general. ;0)

Here I am riding the whale . . .

 . . . and the Dinosaur.
No comment.

 Kickin' it back and enjoying my multiple stroke lead over the competition!
But what's that behind me?

(I can see you skeptical ones muttering, "Staged, totally staged!" And you would be correct)

So yeah . . . I think this one was my idea . . .
After golf, we next to Amish people couldn't resist trying our hand at a video game. ;0)
Next came some shopping. Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures, but for my part, two words sum up my shopping pretty well: Home Depot. ;0)
Our last stop was DQ for dessert!
It was such an awesome day!


  1. Great pictures! :D It sure looks like you guys had a great time! You seem to take birthdays rather seriously... I mean, ice cream twice in one day?! ;) Yeah, I guess it was a fair enough excuse. :D

  2. Happy Birthday to all of you guys!!! Great pictures, glad you had an awesome day! :)

    Here's to another year of blessings...

    and pranking. *evil laugh*

  3. Haha, it was a great excuse, Bethany! But remember, the first ice cream was free and we weren't planning on it anyway, so it made going to DQ later seem pretty normal. ;0)

    Thanks, Bobcat! You should have seen us try to take some of those "quadies". ;0) Funny you should mention that . . . because I just had these awesome couple of prank ideas! And they are almost totally original! :0P

  4. Dude, I'm disappointed. You can't drink ANYTHING with "beer" in its name. That's a bad witness! :(

    1. Are you being serious? While I agree with you about the photos-- I don't see how drinking root beer is a bad witness.

  5. Wow Kyle...for "silence" being your "amazing" weapon, you sure aren't wielding it very well! ;) Let me know when you actually come up with a 100% original prank. ;) lol ;)

  6. Hey Reagan! You're joking . . . right? I am personally committed to not drinking any alcohol, but I don't see you drinking root beer is "a bad witness". It's actually my favorite soda . . .

    Oh I won't need to tell you, Eden; you'll know firsthand! :0P

  7. Happy Birthday Bowes Sisters and Kyle (once again- how many birthdays did you have this year?)

    Looks like fun!! I'm trying to wrap my mind around Kyle and Miniature Golfing..... Do the two even mix?

    Hope to see you all again soon!

  8. Thanks, Shiloh! About 10 between the four of us, to be exact. ;0) Just another benefit of being a quad! (we each had our own celebration day, our own day to pick our favorite meals, our real birthday, and the day we quads celebrated) ;0)

    Hey, miniature golf is fun! I take my score quite seriously. -_- JK

    Yeah, looking forward to seeing you all again too! (somewhat cautiously due to the Prank Ring) ;0)
